=== Meeting notes, 2016-09-26 === * Class modeling excercises (2016-09-26): Create a class model with at least 10 classes and the necessary associations, compositions, generalizations, attributes and operations, using one of the topics below! Create diagram description and generate class diagram! * University, Student, MSc, BSc, Professor, Course, Credit, Room, Time slot, ... * Hospital, Patient, Doctor, Room, Illness, Operation, Medication, ... * Car, Type, Manufacturer, Year of production, Person, Owner, Driver, Wheels, Motor, ... * Facebook, Profile, Person, Friendship, Post, Like, Share, ... * Web, Server, Client, User, Browser, Web page, Text, Image, ... * Computer, Processor, Memory, Hard drive, Display, User, Login name, Password, Owner, ... * Bank, Account, Person, Amount, Credit, Loan, Balance, Bank card, PIN code, ... * Travel agency, Agent, Client, Location, Trip, Price, Order, Assistance, ... * Webshop, Client, Order, Price, Payment, Shipping, Product, ... * Parliament, Government, Minister, Prime minister, Election, Citizen, Vote, ... * Next steps: - Download a fresh "Eclipse for Java Developers" from here: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/mars2 See the download links for different operating system in the right of the page! - Start Eclipse and follow the installation instructions: http://txtuml.inf.elte.hu/wiki/doku.php?id=v050:install - Read the user guide: http://txtuml.inf.elte.hu/wiki/doku.php?id=v050:userguide Start to play with the "Sample models" first! - Create a new txtUML project and a new txtUML model! (See the "Creating own models" section of the guide!) - Create a new .xtxtuml file in your model ("New model elements" section) and implement the class modeling exercise in it! - Create a new package, separate from the package of the model, and add a new .java file in it. Create a diagram description for your model! See the "Generating diagrams" section and also here: http://txtuml.inf.elte.hu/wiki/doku.php?id=v050:layout Generate the class diagram, look at the graphics and think of the validity of your associations, multiplicities, generalizations, compositions in the model. Fix errors if needed! - Send me the full project as a single zip file by next Monday!